Hi my name is Mary Brancatelli Waddingham.. I am mom to three children. Two of the three are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I began this blog in hopes that our experiences may be helpful to other Type 1 families out there, dealing with the same ups and downs that we do in our every day life... :)
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Rolling with The Punches..... :/
I must first apologize for not blogging in a very very long time! I guess I might say that every day life got quite chaotic over the past 8 months. The kids r doing well. With my oldest daughter, Macy finishing up her first year of college. Yay!! How can that even have happened? My daughter Kalee's Junior year of High School is winding down.. Complete with SAT's, which she took last weekend. I almost forgot the pressure of Junior Year, along with the excitement of Junior Prom and College Shopping! I certainly cannot leave out my youngest boy, Michael, who will be 14 next month! He is finishing up 8th grade and will be entering the high school.. Now that does not even seem possible. My daughter Kalee and son Michael have had many ups and downs (highs and lows) over the past school year with dealing with their health and Type1 Diabetes. It hasn't been easy and as a mom of two kids with Type1 I have to admit.I think I have reached my breaking point, 100 x's over! My mom had been in and out of the hospital over the winter months. Spending days with her and going back evenings caused me to rely more on my husband and the kids to keep the household running. They did a very good job, proving that I may not be as invincible as I think of myself :/. Well the flu struck me at the end of February...ugh! By March, the stomach virus hit and when it attacked our Kalee, it ended with her having 24 hours of low, low, low blood sugars. It did not matter what we did to increase her blood sugar level that poor girl would not rise... We had blood sugars as low as 22 and the highest we would see were 57. We fed her every type of fast acting sugar to slow acting carb that that she could take in.. Finally we went to the dreaded glucagon... Not Once, Not Twice but Three Times!!! With Kalee's blood sugar only increasing to 69, the Dr. suggested we take her to the E.R in the middle of the night for a glucose drip. I begged the Dr. to offer another suggestion (as we have had many experiences with the E.R, not really knowing how to care for kids with Type 1). Dr. Said if I wanted to continue to stay awake with her throughout the night to give her sugar and test her gluose levels she would meet me in the office first thing in the morning.. Well I took that suggestion and stared at Kalee most of the night when I was not waking her to give her juice or a peanut butter cracker. We drove with heavy eyes to the Dr.s office early the next morning. Dr. Suggested doing a blood test to check for Addison's disease which causes unexplained low's.. Ok... Just hearing Addisons Disease brought me to my knees and I wanted to fall on the floor.. How could we handle one more thing?.. This was all that was going go through my mind. We stayed for the hour of blood tests one at the initial check in then two more a half an hour apart after they injected Kalee with a hormone to see how her body reacted to it. We went home and the wait began. We waited through the weekend and the next week, until the following Friday. In the mean time, Kalees blood sugar was back to her "normal" range (anywhere between 75 to 250) depending upon the day, the weather, her mood, her diet.. Virtually everything in the world seems to affect blood sugar levels..! Well Friday came and I received a text, simple and to the point. "Kalees labs were Perfect".. No Addison's disease, and nothing out of the ordinary! Well Thank God for that! I really did not feel that I was strong enough to handle one more thing. Now Kalee on the other hand was taking it all stride. I wish that I as a parent had the resilience of my children.. It seems that life in general brings trials.. More than many of us feel that we overcome ... I cannot tell you how often I feel as if I am "Hanging by a thread." Kalee is doing well... Blood sugars are back to normal..(U know, up and down as usual). Over the past few months she as well as my other two children have taught me a very valuable lesson.. To accept the thing that are out of our control. This is something that I have always had difficulty with but they are great examples for me, and I am still learning every day to try to "Roll with the punches." <3 <3 <3
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