Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sweets and Treats that the Easter Bunny delivers.. :D

Happy Easter everyone! (Especially to my Type 1 families -out there).  I know that the Easter Bunny delivers candy and treats that can sometimes get a little confusing when it comes to carb. counts and insulin delivery.  The Bunny also delivers some small toys (bubbles, chalk, jump ropes) and gift cards-for the older kids (which can get a bit costly ;).  So, for the most part, in this household...  the candy gets delivered for Easter Morning and if we are lucky...  the Easter Bunny leaves the back of the packaging in a cabinet (which has the nutritional facts listed... including the carb counts!)  If the bunny forgets to leave the packaging- which is easy to do when filling the baskets late at night, (tired and not thinking clearly), we just wing it...  after all, it is a holiday and we all deserve a little celebrating.  Any chocolate the size of a hershey kiss we count as 3 to 4 carbs.  1 normal sized jelly bean, we count as 2 carbs...  the jumbo sized are about 5 carbs. A medium sized chocolate bunny we "guestimate" between 35 and 40 carbs.  A great resource can be the Calorie King carb. count booklet, which I used to carry around, religiously, in my purse along with my wallet and car keys! Hope some of this helps you parents out there who are working hard to make Easter as "Normal" for your Type 1 kiddo's as it is for every child who celebrates the day!  Happy Easter!  P.S..  Jelly Beans are a great way to treat a low!! <3

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